Tuesday, May 17, 2022

What goes up can still go up. Though I reached 8000 feet of elevation, the highest point of the PCT in the area, I took the opportunity to ascend Mt Jacinto, bringing me another 2000 feet further before finally embarking on the long decent to the valley below. At the peak of Mt Jacinto it felt spiritual to see the world as I imagine it might appear from space. From this vantage point past days on trail are visible in their continuous form. I meditate upon the trail already conquered.

The long journey down began as a welcomed change in pace. However where ascending is a tiresome exercise of muscle and mind, descending is a constant strain on ligaments and joints. Yet this encouraged taking regular opportunities to pause and appreciate the post card landscape I happened to find myself in. In an effort to better comprehend some of these scenes I have begun an exercise consisting of closing my eyes and repainting the scene by memory layer by layer until I can recall as much detail as possible from the particular perspective. Already I can better recollect some of the more impactful moments.